Benzinemotor KM2200 KM4000 JM6500

Gasoline Engine KM2200, KM4000, and KM6500 are reliable and fuel-efficient gasoline engines with varying power outputs that can power different types of equipment and machinery.



The Gasoline Engine KM2200 has a power output of 2.2 kW and features a single-cylinder, four-stroke design that provides easy starting, low fuel consumption, high reliability, and easy maintenance. It is typically used to power small generators, water pumps, and agricultural machinery.

The Gasoline Engine KM4000 has a power output of 4.0 kW and features a single-cylinder, four-stroke design that provides strong power, low fuel consumption, high reliability, and easy maintenance. It is typically used to power medium-sized generators, landbouwmachine, and small construction machinery.

The Gasoline Engine KM6500 has a power output of 6.5 kW and features a single-cylinder, four-stroke design that provides strong power, low fuel consumption, high reliability, and easy maintenance. It is typically used to power large generators, landbouwmachine, and construction machinery.
